Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Number 30!

Today Peg completed her 30th HBOT session. That's three-quarters of the way thru the 40 treatments that were prescribed.

Peg has been particularly tired the last few days, but she is generally feeling pretty good, with some bursts of energy at times during the day. There are definitely some Herx reactions, but they are not too strong at this point. Peg also has noticed that her vision has improved somewhat.

The actual HBOT sessions have been going really well. Peg's blood pressure is consistently good during the day, and it is only slightly elevated when she is getting ready for the HBOT. She comes out of the treatments in good spirits, though a little tired.

We are looking forward to wrapping up the treatments in just two more weeks! (Caveat: as we mentioned in an earlier post, we will make an assessment in about a week to see if more than 40 treatments are needed in Peg's case.) It seemed like such a long journey at the start, but now we are on the home stretch.

As in the days of Nehemiah, we realize "that this work had been done with the help of our God." (Neh. 6:16b, NIV)

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