Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From Peg…

It has been quite a while since we have written in this blog. Our move to Oakhurst took all our time and energy. We love the setting we live in (and so does our dog). We are so blessed and God is so faithful!

I have been struggling with a little setback with my health, but that is the nature of Lyme even in remission. The co-infection, Babesia (Babesiosis is caused by an intraerythrocytic parasite, Babesia which is similar in effect to Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria. Symptoms of Babesiosis are similar to those of Lyme disease: fatigue, malaise, myalgia, arthralgia, chills, and fever.) Sorry to add all that! In short, I have good days and bad days.

I need to have regular chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy to keep me aligned and to keep the lymphatic system working to clear out toxins. Larry has been helping with the massage therapy, and we are trusting in the Lord for financial provision for a chiropractor. There are several chiropractors up here who have been recommended to us. I have been having migraine headaches and joint and muscle pain, and that has been keeping me up at night again. We have had a lot on our plates, but we stand firm as we seek God’s provision and peace. He is our all in all!

It is a challenge to stay within our extremely tight budget and to find the resources to purchase the food I need to keep me healthy. Trader Joe’s is about 45 minutes south, in Fresno. I have made so many wonderful girlfriends, each bringing insight as to how I can manage our needs.

My diet, supplements, eating on time, exercise, a good night’s sleep, and not overdoing it – along with therapy – are key to my strength and health. I am learning to make that a priority and to pay closer attention to keeping on track. It has been four weeks now since we moved up to Oakhurst and we are all beginning to find our rhythm once again.

I have met a couple of people who either also struggle with Lyme, or who know someone who has Lyme. That is a blessing as we compare our protocols.

I will keep this short for now, I get so tired, but know that I sense your prayers and enjoy keeping in touch.

We do love it up here and are slowly getting settled in. If I never see a cardboard box again in my lifetime, I will not feel too bad!