Saturday, September 27, 2008

Into the last week!

On Friday, Peg completed her 37th dive…just 3 more to go! She took a definite turn for the better last week, with more energy and a clearer head. She still has some aches and pains (especially her heel), though, and she still tires out easily. It will take time for her to regain her endurance.

There has been some question as to whether the initially-prescribed 40 HBOT treatments will be enough. The response to HBOT is unique to each individual Lyme patient, though studies have shown good results with 40 treatments. Based on Peg’s reaction (regular Herx reactions earlier on, and a lessening of reactions recently), we believe that 40 treatments is enough for now. Besides, that’s all that we have money for.

The goal, of course, is for Peg to be Lyme-free. We don’t really expect her to be “cured”, but we expect that the Lyme disease has been hit so hard from the HBOT that Peg’s Lyme will be in remission – indefinitely, by God’s grace. We know from other people’s experiences that after HBOT, it is not unreasonable to expect her Lyme to be in remission or fully controlled by her immune system for years. If, after some time, the Lyme symptoms come back, then it will be time to do some more HBOT.

Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

- Psalm 5:1-3 (NIV)

1 comment:

candice said...

Wow, the home stretch. I bet it feels good having completed so many with just 3 more to go.

So sorry I forgot to call you back- you caught me during nap time. This week has been super crazy, but when is it not? This coming week will prove to be worse though- but with awesome results!

Its soon time to celebrate a big milestone in your journey. Have you ever looked at the coincidence at the number of treatments prescribed? 40- that same number is very significant in the Bible for times of hardship, confusion, learning to trust and rely fully on God for ALL provisions and direction. Might be something, might be nothing. It just totally stood out to me.